Goldfrapp – Lovely Head [live] 2000



It starts in my belly
Then up to my heart
Into my mouth I cant keep it shut
Do you recognize the smell
Is that how you tell
Us apart
I fool myself
To sleep and dream
Nobodys there
No-one but me
So cool
Youre hardly there
Why cant this be killing you
Frankenstein would want your mind
Your lovely head
Your lovely head


~ por Santiago en septiembre 22, 2007.

2 respuestas to “Goldfrapp – Lovely Head [live] 2000”

  1. wow men genial blog . de veras te las traes (^__^) saludos

  2. si tu sientesq me encuentro lejos¡¡ en un sueño te dire que estoy contigo…entonces sere la mujer que navegue como sirena los lugares mas secretos de tu PIEL ..

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